Calling All Prayer Warriors

Good Evening Brothers, Sisters, Family and Friends. 

I'm Magalina A Masso aka Maggzz

I would like to share this beautiful prayer written by
Rebecca Owens

Lord, raise up Your remnant mighty and strong. 

May we make every day count from this day forward to stand as ambassadors, lightbearers, warriors, and watchmen to bring forth Your gospel to all those lost in sin and apart from Christ. 

Lord, I pray that as individuals we will walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

I pray we will shine the light of Jesus that dwells within us. 

When others look at us, may they truly see Jesus and thus have opportunity to share the plan of salvation with them. 

Lord, I pray for the mission field of the mainstream complacent church. 

I pray that salvation will begin from within the modern day emergent church that has drifted away from the truth of the gospel. Lord, may we see revival spread across this land and through out the globe. 

Revive Your church to go out and bring Jesus to a lost and dying world. 

Oh Lord, may we be humbled vessels that You can work through to mightily make a difference in the lives of others. 

We are Yours Lord. 

Use us in Your assignment to plant seeds and watering to prepare for Your increase in the Kingdom. 

Oh God, may many come to know Jesus as the proclamation of Your gospel burst forth from Your true born again children. 

In Jesus precious name I pray. Amen!!

Have a blessed day-night. 


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