Stephen Hawking Warning Before His Death

Hawking has also warned against establishing contact with aliens as it could result in mankind’s destruction.
He said: “One day, we might receive a signal from a planet like Earth, but we should be wary of answering back.
His warning took a chilling turn eight months ago month when scientists committed to finding alien civilisations picked up 15 repeated fast radio bursts from a galaxy three billion light years away.
It is unclear however if the signals came from black holes or alien life.
Stephen Hawking claimed that making contact with powerful, intelligent extraterrestrials may be a dangerous idea that could end all human kind?
Internet rumors have surfaced that Stephen Hawkins had another warning he was about to release but was not able to before his sudden death?
Do you think that’s something is going to happen in 2018 that will end all life on Earth?
Many have claimed that an alien invasion will be taken place in the near future due to an increase in UFO sightings especially in the past 12 months.
Please leave your comments below with your opinion on what you believe is going to happen next.
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I'm Magalina Masso investigator and reporter  bringing you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me God


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