Are you going to heaven or hell?

Good evening, 

          I'm Magalina A Masso aka Maggzz.

I'm not religious but I'm very spiritual so you can either hold on real tight right now or kindly exit to the left right, up, down LOL

I'm no preacher but I'm hoping I can save a couple of people by the time I'm done with this.

So I believe in my heart and soul that there is one God.
I've always believed there was a God even when I played around with wicca, witchcraft, all that  crazy stuff growing up that was demented  but I always knew there was a God. 

I always believed that Jesus died on the cross but I never got it really.

There is a difference between believing and "BELIEVING".

Even when I was getting closer to God I still never got it till I moved to North Carolina.

My beautiful friend Shay but her name is Charlene was walking by my RV one Sunday and she looked so beautiful and she looked so happy and I knew she was just getting home from the church.
So I asked her about the church and she invited me to go the following  Sunday.

Well that Saturday before church me my son Joshua and my daughter-in-law was having this conversation about something but he basically said where's your Jesus now or something like that.
I forgot the exact words, it's been a couple weeks and I also have a brain injury.
Anyways it was so funny because he was basically dissing God and then all of a sudden we get a knock at the door and there was brother Jerry standing there and Josh did have a clue what to say LOL

Brother Jerry invited him to go to the church and everything Joshua couldn't say a word.

Be careful people you never know who's going to come knocking on your door LOL

It was so funny I could not stop laughing because my son and daughter believes in this energy theory.
I hope he can come in here and leave a comment because it's interesting but I personally can't grab that concept of it. 

So anyway I went to church the next day and wow !!!
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow !!!

I can't understand things unless it's on a one-to-one and you have to break it down on a 5th grade level for me because I don't get it.

I have never, ever, ever been to a church, any church and I've been to a lot of churches.
Some of them so beautiful but I've never been to a church where I got it.
Like we're having a one-on-one conversation but hundreds of people are actually listening. 

So after that brother Jerry, his wife & ummm shoot brother Tom ??? (Sorry brain injury)

They came to my house because I given him a list of questions.

Brother Jerry told me to come to him well he put together a long lesson for me LOL

I asked questions about Jesus Christ the MaryMagdalett story cuz I believed in the bloodline theory but not anymore.
It got a little heated there for a second LOL
God Jesus Christ is 100% pure he never ever had sex.

God sent his beloved Son and I'm probably going to say some of this wrong but I'm going to tell it to you as best as I can try to explain it.

God is Jesus, Jesus is the Holy Spirit and they are one.
All three are the same, it's a trinity.

I would like somebody to come in here and tell me if there is no God how are we here?

The Big Bang Theory? 
I don't know much about it but you're telling me that all sudden poof and we got all this?

Universe, galaxies and all that stuff?
Okay well who made the universe? 
If it is The Big Bang Theory then God is the one who started the Big Bang Theory.

God put Adam and Eve on this Earth and gave dominion over the Earth to Satan when Eve ate from the tree and got her husband to do it also.

You ever sit there and wonder why people are so mean, nasty, fearfull, dangerous, etc?

You ever wonder why there so many gods and which one is right?

Everything that has happened in the past,  everything that is going on right now and what will happen in the future is all written in one book.

Basic Instructions Before Leaving  Earth !!!

I use to believe that  what was written in the Bible was controversial because it's been rewritten so many times over time correct? 

They have the original Bible locked up somewhere and everything that's in the King James version is accurate as can be.

There was a flood the rainbow represents that and it will never happen again.

Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross.
He was a virgin when he died.
Millions of people wear crosses on their neck everyday.
 if you are wearing that cross do you really really really deserve to be wearing that cross?

He was a teacher, he was a father to many a brother to all.

It is stated in the Bible the only way to have everlasting life is through Jesus Christ.

You can't be halfway in and halfway out.
You have to be in 100% or you are going to be in a lot of trouble cuz he knows.

You ever hear of the movie Left Behind 1 and 2?
I encourage you to go watch it on YouTube, its free.

If you where to ask me prior to North Carolina where I was going when I die I would say Heaven.

In reality I would have been left behind.
I wasn't ready before but now.
I know when the Rapture comes if it comes within my time I know I'm going directly to heaven.

You know how long eternity is?

Jesus Christ is going to be coming back.
It could be tonight, it could be in 5 minutes, it could be next week, it could be 20 years from now.
We don't know when but those of us who believe knows he's coming back.

You know you could walk outside right now and you can die by whatever scenario.

You could die right now.

How would you like to have your skin ripped off in the nastiestly, most demented dangerous situation you can not even imagine.
Well that's hell people. 

Or would you rather spend every second in an environment where you are just so loved and it's so beautiful words can't even describe it?

The only way you're going to get those feelings is if you make the right decision.

I don't want anybody I love to go downtown.
I want everybody to go uptown with me.

I have had numerous people say I believe in God but...........

I don't believe in going to any church?
I do not believe in pushing God Jesus on my children.
I have to work all the time and I'm so tired I have no time to read the Bible but God knows I love him.
And 1001 excuses you can stick here >>>

No, no, no, no !!! 

Psalm 150:1-6 

Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! ...

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

I want everybody I love to go to heaven with me and the only way that's going to happen is if you accept Jesus Christ and start trying to live by the Ten Commandments.

I'm not saying you're going to be perfect I am not perfect we are still going to mess up but we have to learn to be like Jesus and in order to do that we got to start at the beginning.

You have to  survive in this crazy world till you take your last breath and the only way you can do that if is if you have the best security of the world.

This is no disrespect any of those I love with all my heart that still have different beliefs than mine.

I understand a lot of people that are going to read this and laugh but I'm telling you when "The Rapture" happens  you're not going to have a second to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you for your sins it's going to be too late.

All you have to do is close your eyes and sincerely because he can tell if you're faking or not and say these words or any combination of words you want to.

God Jesus I ask you to please forgive me for my  sins.
 I ask you to come into my heart  and forgive me for all the things I have done and wash away my old life so I can start my new life with you.

There you go, nice and easy.
Make your as long as you want, make it, as short as you want.

You have to know that Jesus Christ died on the cross for you and that the only way into the Gates of Heaven is through him.

I had to come in here and say this and I want to say so much more but I'm so tired and my eyes are closing and I don't want to lose what I'm writing.

I welcome all comments but will not tolerate drama, disrespect, etc etc

You have a beautiful night.
If you need any questions answered then drop them below and I will try to get them to you or someone following this.

Good Night 
God Bless 
Magalina Masso

If you are not ashamed to let the world know that Jesus Christ is our King then share this !!!


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