Border Patrol Control

Border Patrol are paid to do their job.

Some I'm positive take the power to their head but I'm sure the majority does what their suppose to.

Your cross over illegally and refuse to go by the law and "YOU" put yourself and whoever your with in danger and it's "YOUR" fault if a death happens.

I'll say it again.

My heart goes out to them and the situation their in but when I continually get phone calls, emails etc stating veterans who I've worked with are dying in the streets or even homes because the government "WILL NOT" take care of them.

I will always stand behind the wall and the actions that are taken to try to keep us safe and take care of the ones we have in the United States already.

Now on a critical thinker level I also think the walls are to keep us in when all ●●●● hits the fan.

United States is gonna have a major disaster really soon and if you think your going to escape your not keeping up with the true news.

I personally think they keep these articles fresh in the news so nobody knows about the 91 underground volcanoes found near Africa that are getting ready to blow or the excessive rise in the ocean level from the ice caps melting at a unbelievable rate.

Don't believe me check it out yourself.


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