
The dreary shadows that fall over my eyes cast such a shield over my heart that has molded it into one.

Unsaid words and challenges left in the past with no chance of returning to the future.

Your future is the past and your past is the future but your present is the one to control it all.

Frightened to take a hold of the reins as it guides you along is the ultimate challenge faced in front of you.

Learn from your mistakes from the shadows and remove the shield so your challenges and expectations will not explode like a firecracker going off in your hand.

Your past is always going to be your future and your future is always going to be your past but you are in control of your present.

As you lift the shield and the dreary shadows that cover your face, mind and soul the light will come flooding in shining on your face with such warmth and only then will you realize what you have been seeking is right in front of your face.

Magalina Masso

2-8-15 5:45 PM


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