Could This Be Possible?

So I got a question for you all.

Me being a critical thinker came up with a good point.

#MarkZuckerberg started off trying to make something that was good but got a taste of that power.

Why do you think we have all these glitches?
Oops we'll fix that or oops we'll fix that.
Our information is given to whoever has the most money, power ???

Also I believe since he knows Facebook is the biggest #platform all over the world so he feels he can and does and will always get away with everything.

Who has been in Facebook #jail in the past week, month?
Permanent ban?
Go look on my #Facebook pictures lololol
I'm due I've been off for 2 days now.

Our country is worried about #terrorism why isn't he questioned when #terrorist acts happen?

He has acess to every single profile, group, page, messenger, game if it's on Facebook he has acess to it.
And if you have Facebook  or messenger on your device he has access to that device.

If we can have so many technical glitches all the time why couldn't there be a glitch to prevent that live video feed of that guy who killed a bunch of people a few weeks ago.
He did a live stream on Facebook as he's killing people for over 10 minutes.

I saw on the tv today a few kids where planing to kill a bunch of kids.
They had a hit list.
They had a hard copy on thier phone which different platforms also had access to.

Bet some of you didn't know that.
Facebook or 95% of  apps on your phone, computer, laptop they have the legal right to access any and all your information.
You gave them permission.

So how come these platform are not being held accountable for some of these terrorist acts?

I get blocked for voicings my opinion but a killer can get up on Facebook live for over 10 minutes killing everyone.

I think he sells certain information to whoever he wants whether it hurts us or not.

He goes to court for some violations but you know it's only a show to keep you occupied from the bigger problem going on.
He never gets in trouble for anything.

Hey I'm just a crazy conspiracy theorist right?

Have a great evening.
God Bless

Magalina A Masso


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