The Kiss Of All Kisses

I want to tell you guys a little story only it's not a fake story it's real this is as real as it gets.

My grandparents from my father's side met when she was 12 years old and he was 13.

They got married when she turned 18 years old.

My grandfather passed away when he was 98 years old my grandmother passed away six months later we all said she passed away from a broken heart.

When my grandmother was alive I loved talking on the phone all the time because she had that broken english going on she was from SanJuan PuertoRico.

I asked her one time what the secret to her marriage was and how did she know that my grandfather was the one.

She said " Magalina when your grandfather kissed me for the very first time I cryed"

She said her heart jumped outta her skin, she felt dizzy & really hot.

She knew he was the one immediately 

See that's the kind of true love I want 

I want fire in the kiss 

I want to cry, I want to feel like I have a fever.

I've said it a thousand times and I have not yet been able to receive that.

So if you have somebody in your arms & it feels like that you better hold on for dear life.

And maybe your 1st kiss hasn't happened but you have all those other factors then hold on.

Don't be stubborn & the 1st rule of being in love 

"Is never go to bed mad" !!!

This was brought to you by

Magalina Masso 

Memory's from..... 

Maria Anna Quantez Masso & Miquel Jose Quantez Masso R.I.P


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