
So my friend Eric Cagle posted a good topic on Demons and this was my response. 

What are demons?

In my opinion it's a force embedded in our brain to escape the realities of everyday existence in our lives.

If your a Christian you believe they are evil beings sent here from the pits of hell to lure us into the gates of hell to burn for eternity if we fall into anything that doesn't fit.

If you don't believe in any God you call them reaching out from the grave.
You had a great life?
You have a shitty life?
I bet I can pick anything from your life to prove we all have demons attached to us.

I believe in our own minds we put the barriers up as we learn what has been and continuously  is being programmed in our lives till we wake up and realize the truth.

There are no scary entities but the ones that lie within our own minds of reality. 

Now are there ghosts, powerful evil presences that can do physical harm, houses being evil, haunted houses everywhere?

Yes I believe in that aspect either the government has really did a awesome job and is pulling off the second biggest scam in the world or there's something more beyond what again I believe has been programmed into our reality. 

God I need my talk to text back !!!


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