God Is Going To Kill You

Even though I love Jesus Christ I'm not gonna die for not sending a chain letter to groups that will just delete it anyways.    ✔πŸ’―✔πŸ’―✔πŸ’―
So let me get this straight. 
She laughed  because she got a chain letter by somebody who thought she needed God in her life and over guilt for not sending it to 5 public groups groups she decided to commit suicide the next day but had to leave that note to people to warn them believing this is a real situation. 
You better not piss God off or he's gonna somehow get you to commit suicide because you didn't obey this chain letter?

Am I reading this wrong or am I speaking through the holy spirit trying to tell anyone who reads this that your not going to die unless your number is up.
Hopefully when that time comes you have made the right choice.
What is that choice?
Allah? Pope?Jesus Christ? Mother Earth?
Nobody has the right to push chain letters and make others feel that if they don't do what they want because they feel it is the right way something bad is going to happen smh.
Hey Christians instead of sharing this to groups how about sharing something positive. 
Love this commandment !!!
You shall not give false testimony.
You guys gave a blessed night.
God Bless You 
Magalina A Masso

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