Know Your Rights When Dealing With Cops

James Cady you are the most disgusting cop I have ever laid eyes on !!! 
You obviously have no clue what being a cop is all about.
"YOU" are part of the reason why cops have a bad name and why everyone carries cell phones now.
This isn't even your first time either !!!
You did one day suspended in the past whooo hooo !!! 

Broward County you really need to take a closer look at your officers along with every law enforcement agency. 

When all hell breaks loose and it's coming soon do you realize your going to get your officers killed?

Ya I'm now speaking to all you sitting in the boss seat.

I understand you guys have to be pricks sometimes but I swear cops nowadays join up just to have the power to bully, harass and even kill legally. 

I have seen alot of video's where some cops actually give you respect and don't judge you for your color, tattoos, gold teeth etc.

They have feed homeless, gave gifts to those struggling and so on.

Unfortunately the string of good cops are disappearing making room for the corruption to overtake every aspect of our life when they seen for knowing the consequences will be minimal. 

I'm not saying protest or do anything stupid that will end you up in trouble but I highly encourage everyone to learn their rights.

This is a Facebook group where you can find out how.

It's called Exposed

Jeremy Burris is one of the administrators and one that will help you protect yourself. 

Also never, ever, ever go anywhere without a cellphone, camera something.

I always encourage hidden cameras in cars since police are know to take cell phones and destroy them now.

I also encourage you to get bodycams for yourself.

This is Magalina A Masso investigator and reporter bringing you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God.

God Bless

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