Pick Three

If I had any of these powers or gifts I wouldn't be who I am today.
I'm dealing with numerous terminal issues but I get to go home sooner than you.
I didn't like my body when I was overweight & I don't like my body now but it could be worse.
If I had a smoking hot body then I would have all types of men drooling all over me and that's just disgusting.
So I will take my body tattoos and all and accept it.
When I go home to God I'm going to have the most beautiful spiritual body ever.
I've been very strong in my younger years when I use to lift weights now I'm paying for it lol
I'll pass on this one.
I would love to heal numerous people but everything happens for a reason so why should I change Gods plan?
I have super intelligence already.
I'm a critical thinker already who's very awake.
I love being single and don't want to change it anytime soon.
Even though I miss numerous people that have passed on and would love to talk to them if I did they would actually be a demon because when you die you go to sleep until Jesus Christ comes and get you.
So I will wait until we're all in heaven and then we can talk as long as we want.
Even though I've had my share of horrible torturous events happened in my life that should never happen to anybody I would never change your because I would not be who I am today which is a strong Survivor and a child of God.
I I was born into poverty and shows to get myself out of it as a adult.
Through my life I have been blessed financially and then I have been cursed and been homeless and poor.
Right now I live on SSI SSD and I'm okay.
I would love to have some extra money but if it's not in the cards then it's not in the cards.
I can't even get anybody to look at my fundraiser LOL
Everybody can wish everybody can dream but nobody will receive those extraordinary gifts unless you realize the only way to receive them which is through Jesus Christ.
This is just a stepping stone to a complete destiny for everything we ever dreamed or wished for.
It's waiting for us to receive it you just have to open your eyes and heart.
This is Magalina A Masso
Investigator and reporter / media blogger bringing you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God.


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