Disaster Is Closer Than You Know
I'm Magalina A Masso Investigator and Reporter. I've been working on a story and I can't wait to get the rest of the details out so I'm going to give you what I know so far so follow me to see future information on events that you don't know about till it's in your face but it will be to late to do anything about it. We won't have to worry about much really soon according to numerous officials that are trying thier best to not inform the public of events that are predicted to happen in the next twelve months. Most of this information is available through leaks, studies, or officials putting it out there but hiding it by offering unrealistic dreams, reassurance and broken promises that has divided the nation's. Most stay in tune with Trump issues going on right now. For the religious people I know your following this new temple being constructed right now. Actually I heard it's already half way done but not confirmed yet. ...